Monday, May 26, 2008

Red, White, & Blue Apron Swap

My Red, White, and Blue apron is ready for swapping on Fabric in Altered Arts. Our aprons are due in the mail by June 20th but mine will be early since we will be out of town part of June. This is another of the Four Corner Aprons. The Fabric is "Roaring 20's" by Bev Prolux for Chanteclaire. I just love the reproduction fabric. This fabric was purchased a Granny's Attic in Campbellsville, Ky. The Four Corners Apron pattern was also a Ky find. I had seen the apron and wanted the pattern. In March, my cousin and I went into a beautiful little quilt shop, A Quilter'sFabric Garden, on the square in Franklin, Ky and there on a dress form was one of the aprons. They had offered a class the day before. Of course, I purchased the pattern. I was so excited to find the pattern and also find such a great quilt shop. The buttons are vintage buttons by Lansing. Their original price 10 cents. Of course, I found them at the thrift store!

The Red, White, & Blue Apron Swap was my first time to host a swap. We had eight signup for the swap. I assigned each person a partner and they will exchange with their partner. We're already discussing other holiday apron swaps. I think it would be fun to have an apron for each of the holidays.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cathy's Quilted Purse

This is the purse that I received from the Quilted Purse Swap on Fabric in Altered Arts. This purse was made by Cathy. She coordinates many of the swaps for this group. I am so excited to receive a purse made by her. It is lovely. The purse has many techniques in addition to the quilting. I posted a photo of my purse for the swap earlier in my blog.
Go here for Cathy's instructions for making the purse.

I really enjoyed this swap. Probably one of my favorites thus far.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Desert Fabric Postcard

This is my May postcard for a postcard swap on Fabric in Altered Arts yahoo group. The postcard is for Marva. It is a simple fabric collage of desert plants with a large silvertone lizard. The lizard had a past life as an earring. Of course, no project would be complete with one of my thrift store finds. Hope Marva enjoys her Southwest Greeting.

Tea Towel Swap

These are two tea towels for a swap on Fabric in Altered Arts. I signed up for the swap a couple of months ago but just couldn't decide what to make. I wanted it to be usable. So that eliminated any embellishments that weren't washable. Finally a few days ago I remembered that I had purchased towel fabric in Portland a few years ago. I had intended to make towels with machine embroidery but never got around to it. I found the fabric and then when searching for an inspiration I found the yellow and blue toille. The yellow was perfect. I machine appliqued on designs from the fabric and added vintage lace at the bottom. The tea towel is usable and washable. I hope to get them in the mail this morning to Cathy the swap hostess.

I finished my consulting project yesterday. The entire office went to lunch at the Landmark and wonderful restaurant in an old school house here in Mesa. Their salad bar is huge and filled with wonderful salads. It was great to be with my former co-workers but I'm looking forward to vacation and then some serious art projects. My goal is to have an Itsy store ready by the end of July.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Spring Quiltie by Patsy

This the Spring Quiltie that I received in the mail today. It was a swap on Fabric in Altered Arts group. Patsy is the artist. Isn't it lovely. She has used needle felting to make many of the elements on the quiltie. Quilties measure 6"x 6". I have a number of quilties from swaps and hope to make them into a little book. Haven't decided how to bind them yet.

I found the Fabric in Altered Arts group last summer when I was looking for information on Fabric books. I've been very impressed with all the members of the group. They are a very creative bunch. Some are published.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Four Corners Apron

Here's another apron. This fabric was purchased from Granny's Attic. I made the apron for a friend, Sally. She is retiring from education this week. She is always telling me that she needs an apron. So now she has one. I purchased the fabric last March when I was in Kentucky. I thought the dots were perfect with the retro looking blue print. I have two more of aprons cut out. Maybe I'll finish them this weekend.

I haven't blogged as much lately. I have been doing consulting work for the local school district. I finish my project tomorrow. It has been fun working with old friends but it's now time to return to my artistic endeavors.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Plate Shelf

I just had to post a picture of my new plate shelf from Pottery Barn. I collect Blue Ridge Pottery and my sister found a set of 6 dessert plates for my birthday. I purchased a shelf from Pottery Barn to display the beautiful plates. The four foot shelf is the largest Pottery Barn has. It will hold five of my six plates. I just love the fruits that are handpainted on each piece. I bought a smaller shelf for another kitchen wall and will place the extra dessert plate and some other pieces of Blue Ridge on that shelf. I think Pottery Barn actually calls them a ledge but they are a shelf to me.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Four Corner Apron

This is an apron I made yesterday. The pattern is by Vanilla House. It's called Four Corner Apron. The fabric is By Windham. It's their Harmony line by Rosemarie Lavin. Isn't it gorgeous!!! This pattern is quick and easy. The hardest part is cutting the fabric. I made a permanent pattern from a plastic tablecloth. That way I didn't have to get out all my long rulers each time I wanted to make an apron. I plan to experiment with sizes so I can make two from one cut of fabric. You do have a large leftover piece of fabric if you follow the directions in the pattern. I cut out four of these at one time and hope to make the others next week. One is a red, white, and blue that I am making for a swap on Fabric in Altered Arts. I am hosting this swap. It is my first time to host. So far eight people have signed up for the swap. Sign ups close on May 20th and then I assign partners.

I'm off to California to visit with my sister and her family. Tomorrow our plans are to visit the Nixon Library.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New Banner on Blog

If you have visited my blog in the past, you will notice that I now have a new banner. I have Michael Putman to thank for the great banner. Michael teaches classes at Mystic Paper in downtown Mesa. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of participating in his "Etsy" Experience class. As a part of the class we had two hours of one-on-one time to design a banner for our blog and etsy account.

This quilt is in the background of the banner. I made the embellished quilt about 2 years ago. I love the colors of the flowers and spent many hours adding the beaded embellishments. The flowers are cut from fabric and them quilted with decorative threads. The vase is from a fossil fern fabric that provided the shadowing for the vase. Vase was then stitched with decorative threads. My only complaint is that because of all the quilting and stitching, the quilt is not a perfect square. Guess I need to learn to appreciate the beauty of projects and not expect a perfect square everytime!!!!

Back to the banner. We also used a piece of denim jeans and vintage buttons. I think the result is stunning. My plan is to have an Etsy store open by the time my jean skirt appears in the Fall issue of Alter Couture magazine. I have a few items but need to get busy and create more.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Nouveau Altered Art Purse

I was recently asked to join the Design Team at Mystic Paper in downtown Mesa. Yesterday I received our supplies for May. The packet included paper from the Times Nouveau Collection by Graphic 45. I'm in love with this paper and purchased more sheets for additional projects. It is so perfect for altered art. I came home and looked around my studio. I spied a vintage purse that I had purchased at Dollar Days at Goodwill recently. It was the perfect surface for a collage of these beautiful papers.

I first covered the purse (front, back, and bottom) with tissue pattern pieces. I used PVA as the medium to glue the tissue. After the tissue was dry, I dry brushed some gesso over the surface. I used pinking shears to cut fabric swatches from the paper. Then I trimmed the four vintage fashion images. I photocopies some of my vintage button cards. I used PVA for the collage work and then sealed with three coats of Multipurpose sealer. The finishing touch was to make a tube of fabric and cover the purse handle.

The purse is now on display at Mystic Paper.

Fabric ATC

This is a fabric ATC for a swap on the Yahoo Group Fabric in Altered Arts. I used my Clover yoyo maker for the first time. I not sure it saves alot of time from the old fashioned method of sewing around the outside with a basting stitch. I guess one advantage is that they are uniform in size. The ribbon is from packaging on a candle I received for my birthday. As most of you know I like to recycle whenever possible. This is one example.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Fabric Postcards Thank Yous

Here are the fabric cards that I made to Thank my friends who attended my birthday party in April. I am a little late getting them in the mail. Since I have been working a few hours each day, time seems to fly by. I am pleased with the cards and am making a trip to the Post Office this afternoon to mail them. It's always interesting when I go to mail them. Each person at the PO seems to have a different idea on how to mail them. Wonder what it will be this time?

I used my new felting machine for the flowers. I'm excited to have the machine but haven't had time to experiment with it. I have purchased a wool sweater and jacket at the thrift store. Once they are back from the cleaners, I plan to use them as my experimental felting project. More on that later.

Eyeglass Case

I haven't blogged lately. I've been doing some consulting work a few hours a day. I will continue to work for a few more weeks. I did take time yesterday to attend the Embroidery Club at the local Singer Store. I have a wonderful Janome 11000 that I haven't used as much as I would like. This club gives me the opportunity to use my machine.

Our project yesterday was a sunglasses case. We embroidered the sunglasses on our fabric and then made the case. A fun project. I was able to complete the project during the class time. My sister has requested a smaller version for her clip-on sunglasses. I'll work on that next week.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mother's Day Quilt

About a week ago I posted a pic of my two granddaughters working on squares for a quilt for their mom's Mother's Day gift. This is the finished quilt. The girls had so much fun on Craft Day drawing on denim squares with fabric markers. I then added the sashing and borders. The fabric is from Grannys' Attic in Campbellsville, Kentucky. The quilt was then machine quilted. I added a hanging sleeve and a label to the back. The girls will wrap it on Tuesday. I'm sure their mom will cherish it.

The granddaughters are 3 and 5. I'm hoping they love fabric and crafts as much as I do. We will be having craft days this summer. One project will be using my new felting machine. I've been collecting yarns and wool fabrics for our projects.