Sunday, May 15, 2011

"W" is for Weave

We are nearing the end of our Alphabet Quiltie Swap on Fabric in Altered Arts.  The letter for May is "W".  My friend, Susan, recently brought me these selvages from a project she was working on.   I decided that they would make a wonderful woven quiltie.  Our quilties are to be 6" x6".  I decided to leave one edge with untrimmed "tails" of selvage.  The base is 6" x 6" and the tails could be trimmed if needed.  This has been a fun swap but we only have X, Y, and Z to go.  We will finish in August.


  1. This is very different. I like what you came up with!

  2. Very colorful! Have you shown all your alphabet quilties? I haven't had much time for anything crafty or creative lately. :/ Hope you're having a great day. Tammy
