Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Windows in Your Soul Book

These are the pictures of the book we created at my birthday party recently. Susan, a local artist, created the book. Each guest was given a packet of supplies and off we went under the direction of Susan. She was so organized. She even did some of our cutting to save us time. I have to admit that I had a great idea. My friends and I were able to sit around the table and visit while working on the book. "Every once in awhile we needed to be reminded to concentrate on the book making." Everyone left with a personal treasure of my very "special" birthday.

Susan gave me permission to post pictures of the book. Isn't she talented. My sister and I just love to take her classes. She is wonderful. I am honored that she accepted my invitation to design the beautiful book.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Windows in your Soul

This was the theme of my birthday party. The photo is a copy of my invitation. The invitation was designed by a local artist, Susan. Since this was a very special big "O" birthday, I decided to have a party where we did something special. My sister and I had taken two classes from Susan at Mystic Paper in downtown Mesa. I contacted Susan and ask her to design a special altered book for the occasion. She choose the theme "Windows in your Soul". We invited six very special women in my life to my sister's home for a fun day. My college roommate flew in from California for the occasion. We met at noon for a salad luncheon and then spent the afternoon constructing our beautiful books designed by Susan.

Susan was so prepared with everything organized and in envelopes. Page by page she walked us through the book. This was her first "at home" class but she did a wonderful job of seeing that everyone left with a finished book. Some of the guests had experience with scrapbooking and altered arts but some were "first-timers". All enjoyed the afternoon of fun and creativity.

The book is lovely. I have Susan's permission to post photos in my blog.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Singer Featherweight

I have a big "O" brithday this month and the Singer Featherweight is a present from my family. It's it lovely. I just happened upon it at a garage sale last week. (Didn't get it for a few dollars however!) I didn't buy it right away. I went to see Pat at the local Singer store. He told me what to look for and to offer less than the asking price. I went back to check it out. It had everything Pat suggested I look for. Still didn't buy it but returned to Singer store for more research. Then I called the lady and picked it up the next day. It is in wonderful condition. I've already sewn on it. It included the original case with key, all the original accessories and even more. There's one accessory I need to research to see what it does. I've always envied others with one of these little machine. This Singer Featherweight made the BIG "O" perfect. Also having a little party with friends today. I'll post pictures later.

Quilt in the background is one that I made a few years ago. It has photo images of my four great-grandmothers, two grandmothers, and mother. I just love this quilt.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Granddaughter's Craft Day

My two granddaughters spent the morning visiting MeMa. We had a craft day. They worked on a gift for their mom for Mother's Day. We won't show the work in progress just in case mom should check out the blog. This is a photo of R & R working on their "special gift" for mom. I will finish the project next week. They can then wrap it for mom. We had a fun filled morning. We did crafts, read books, watched videos, played outside and in the playroom. All this in just 4 hours. We also cooked waffles and made lunch. It was great to have them visit. They are ages 3 and 5.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

April Spring Quiltie

This is my Spring Quiltie for the April swap on Fabric in Altered Arts. I started with a floral fabric and lilac border. I added embroidery (French knot flowers and green grass). The purple lizard added a little interest. The entire center of the quiltie is covered by lime green tulle.

Tomorrow my granddaughters are coming for craft day. We are going to make a quilt for their mom for Mother's Day. We will be decorating demin squares with Fabrico Markers. I had planned to use bleach pens but I think it takes too long for bleach to work. They are 3 and 5 and need immediate results. Fabric markers will do this. I'll make their squares into a quilted wall hanging. I'll post pictures tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dress Quilt from Norma

This is the dress quilt that I received in the Goodie Bag Challenge. I sent Norma a bag of goodies. She made the dress quilt from those goodies. I just love the quilt. She included the clothes line and clothes pins for hanging. It looks great on the wall in the guest room. I just love this fabric and am so glad Norma was able to use a large piece. I picked up the fabric at Granny's Attic in Ky last fall. I think I still have a small amount of the fabric. It will probably become a quiltie. You can check out Norma's blog to see the before and after pictures.

I think this was one of my favorite swaps in the Fabric in Altered Arts Yahoo group. Next we are doing a kitchen tea towel swap. I have some kitchen towel fabric that I purchased in Portland, OR a few years ago. I need to find it and get busy making my towels. We are to make two towels. I'll post pictures when finished. I'm thinking of a flower pot theme using vintage rick rack and yoyos.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


This is the purse I made for a Quilted Purse Swap in Yahoo Group Fabric in Altered Arts. I had purchased the pattern a few months ago. It's Isabella from Sew Unique Creations. The fabric is from two fabric charm packs that I found at the thrift store. I loved the colors and decided they were perfect for the purse. The patchwork is quilted on to batting. I decided to use a wavy stitch from my Viking machine. The fabric for handle, top edge and lining was purchased at Granny's Attic in Kentucky. I am so pleased with the results. I plan to make another one with the left over charm pack fabric.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

GG's Quilt

This is a photo of a quilt I made for my niece and her husband. The cute little one in the photo is their daughter, GG. The pattern is from the Turning Twenty Around the Block III. It is a fun and easy block to make. The photo was from their 2007 Christmas card . The card was Pink and Brown and I repeated those colors in the quilt. The photo was scanned and transfered onto fabric using an ink jet printer.

It's been a busy week since returning from Kentucky on Tuesday. I hope to post more pictures next week.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mesh Tote Class

This is a photo of the students in the Mesh Tote class that I taught at Grannys Attic in Campbellsville, Kentucky on April 1st. I really enjoyed meeting the students and helping them make their totes. As you can see, each tote was unique. Karen, the quilt shop owner is shown in the back row. Grannys is such a neat quilt shop. I love to shop there and also enjoy teaching a class or two during our visits to our Kentucky home.

Crazy Quilt - Goodie Bag Challenge

These are photos of my goodie bag challenge project. I posted a pic of the items I received earlier. When I opened the bag of goodies, I immediately knew that it had to be a crazy quilt. I selected the theme "Garden". I was able to use most of the items sent to me in the goodie bag. I added two pieces of fabric from my stash and used my new felting machine to make the focal flower in the center of the quilt. I also used my felting machine to felt some of the sheer fabric to a muslin base. This made the fabric easier to work with in the quilt. I used the printable fabric organza I purchased recently to print the garden quote.

I certainly hope my partner, Pamela C., enjoys this crazy quilt. I had fun making it and am very pleased with the results.