Sunday, April 27, 2008

Windows in your Soul

This was the theme of my birthday party. The photo is a copy of my invitation. The invitation was designed by a local artist, Susan. Since this was a very special big "O" birthday, I decided to have a party where we did something special. My sister and I had taken two classes from Susan at Mystic Paper in downtown Mesa. I contacted Susan and ask her to design a special altered book for the occasion. She choose the theme "Windows in your Soul". We invited six very special women in my life to my sister's home for a fun day. My college roommate flew in from California for the occasion. We met at noon for a salad luncheon and then spent the afternoon constructing our beautiful books designed by Susan.

Susan was so prepared with everything organized and in envelopes. Page by page she walked us through the book. This was her first "at home" class but she did a wonderful job of seeing that everyone left with a finished book. Some of the guests had experience with scrapbooking and altered arts but some were "first-timers". All enjoyed the afternoon of fun and creativity.

The book is lovely. I have Susan's permission to post photos in my blog.

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