Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

This is a picture of my father. He served in World War II from Sept. 1942 to Sept. 1945. This photo appeared in the local newspaper in his hometown in Kentucky. The photo was taken in London and shows him being interview by the BBC radio. I have a copy of the original newspaper article. My father passed away in July of 2000. He was a great Christain man who lived his life as an example to our entire family. We all miss him but have many cherished memories. On Father's Day I pause to remember my Daddy.


  1. I almost forgot it was Father's Day yesterday ..... sad. Since my husband died, I don't remember the "men's" holodays as much. So glad to see the tribute to your father on your blog. My husband was a WW2 vet and he was VERY proud of his service years. He served in the South Pacific for the duration of his time in the AAF. Thank you so much for reminding me to remember....
