Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kentucky Home

We just returned from our vacation home in Kentucky. Our two granddaughters visited Ky for the first time. They were so excited to see the wildlife that roams near our home. They were able to watch a deer and her fawn romp in a field. One night we drove by a cornfield that glowed with fireflies (called lightening bugs by us locals). The oldest granddaughter said over and over again: "It is do beautiful"! They visited the Louisville Zoo and the Kentucky Horse Park. The picture is of one of the horse at the Horse Park. They also fished at a relative's pond (Ours isn't stocked with fish yet, we are waiting for it to fill with water.) The girls were not impressed with the large catfish caught by their dad. They left after the week's visit with many memories of their first visit to Kentucky. We too are now back in the Valley of the Sun. I didn't do anything in the way of art on this visit but I was able to shop at my favorite quilt shop, Granny's Attic. I purchased reproduction fabric for aprons.


  1. Welcome home! I thought you were MIA. Would love to see your aprons. Arent' grandkids the best!

  2. Not MIA just took a little trip with family. Yes you are right Grandkids are the best! I so enjoy spending time with the two granddaughters. I'm lucky they live here in Mesa.
