Monday, June 23, 2008

Mocha Java Shower Gift

I recently received an invitation to a wedding shower for my cousin, Kacy, and his bride-to-be Christen. The wedding will be in Lexington, Ky and unfortunately we weren't able to arrange our schedule to attend. It promises to be a lovely event with the dinner/reception in an airplane hanger in Nicholasville, heart of horse country. The bride is from the Lexington area and a family friend offered the use of his hanger for the occasion. I'm told it comes complete with a bandstand and dance floor! The shower will be held at the small country church where most of our family attended when I was growing up. It's a tradition at the church to host a wedding shower for all their members. I can remember attending the one for my aunt (Kacy's grandmother) when I was a pre-teen.

The couple is registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. This is a photo of their dinnerware (Mocha Java). I tried to select a fabric that would go with the pattern. I love the resulting apron. I then added a bit of the fabric to two tea towels. The gift goes in the mail today. I think I will take a break from aprons for awhile and begin to work on items for my etsy store.

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