Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Goddess of Green

This is my ATC for a swap on Fiber Art Traders. I decided to use recycled products in my ATC.

The theme of the swap was Goddess. I had read people were using FedEx packages are backing for quilts and in other fabric art projects. The background is the Fed Ex package and the backing is soda pop packaging. I decided to use the theme of the fabric bags that we are encouraged to use when shopping. The bag is made from a scrap of green fabric. I drew the arms and legs. Check out the sparkly green shoes. I wrote Reuse but card still needed something so I added crystal Stickles. Not sure Stickles goes with the green theme but oh well, it's artistic. I don't know why the crystal has a pink tint in the photo. It is more green when you look at the card.


  1. That is super cute!!!! I love it.

  2. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I'll put a link up to your blog, too! Are you in AZ often? I'm so jealous that you work for Bernina hahaha!!!!
