Thursday, July 31, 2008

My ATC on Channel 3

My Christmas 2007 ATC for a swap at Mystic Paper was shown on t.v. today. Terri O did a segment on Artist Trading Cards on Good Morning Arizona on Channel 3. Kim from Mystic Paper mentioned on her blog yesterday that we should watch and we might see one of our ATCs. I was so excited when she had selected one of mine to show on the segment. Of course she didn't mention names but it was right there in living color on t.v. Here is a link to the post I did back in December 2007. Wow! So exciting.

1 comment:

  1. So fun to see your work in living color! I'm glad you watched it! Your card showed up nice and colorful! Boy, published in magazines and now on T.V. What's next? KJ
