Monday, July 14, 2008

Vintage Fabric Postcard

This is a fabric postcard for a swap on Fabric in Altered Arts. I am Norma's partner this month. You can see Norma's western postcard below.

Last week a friend asked me to come over to see if I would like any of the items in her cedar chest (linens and things). She had asked family and they had taken what they wanted. I jumped at the chance. My friend is in her 80's and has traveled all over the world. I was sure there had to be some TREASURES that I could use in my altered fabric art or quilting. I hit the "Jackpot"! She had the most lovely vintage hankies. Many of them linen with tags still attached. More about these in a later post. I see a vintage hankie quilt in my future.

Back to the fabric postcard. I had covered some Peltex with brown fabric for the Olympic Inchies and decided to use it as the background for the postcard. I then found this lovely vintage hankie in the sack of hankies. I attached it to the brown background and added vintage trim (a find from the Salvation Army store a few weeks ago). The final touch was a vintage button (Goodwill) and satin stitch edges. The back of the postcard is a copy of a vintage picture postcard back scanned onto fabric. Hope Norma enjoys this little vintage fabric postcard.

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