Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Button Bracelet

I saw a button bracelet in a recent magazine and decided to see if I could make one. This is my second attempt and I'm quite pleased with it. I originally used a silver chain and realized that I didn't have enough silver button in my button box but had lots of gold buttons. So I decided to make a gold one. Some of the buttons are vintage. Many are from $1.00 days at Goodwill. I find garment that have lots of buttons and bring them home cut off the buttons. Much cheaper than the fabric stores. Sometimes I recycle the fabric from the garments.


  1. What a lovely way to recycle. It is so easy to collect buttons and have them sit there waiting to be used but this is beautiful.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the comments about the landscape - the butterflies were fun to do.
