Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sara's Chocolate Lovers Apron

Matilda is wearing an apron I made for my friend Sara's retirement. She loves chocolate and plans to take classes on chocolate making in her retirement. I couldn't resist the "Chocolate" fabric and I then found some matching fabric with a chocolate brown background and hearts. So it's a Chocolate Lovers Apron.
I had planned to make a chocolate cake pin cushion but didn't get it finished. My granddaughter was ill last week and had to stay home from school for the entire week. Mema (me) spent a few days with her so my son and his wife could go to their day jobs. Needless to say, I was exhaused each evening when I returned home. No blogging or working in the studio last week. I'm back at it this week.
Oh, yes do you like Matlida's spring dress. It is a lovely vintage double knit dress with a matching jacket. She usually is wearing pearls with this dress. Guess it almost time to find her a summer outfit.

1 comment:

  1. this is so pretty and I love the theme! the cake pincushion i8s your quilties too!
