Monday, June 15, 2009

I won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I (who never wins anything) has been declared a winner on Wanda's blog. Wanda had a give-away for the 100th post on her blog. I won this lovely prize. I'm so excited. Wanda and I are members of FAT (Fiber Art Traders). She does lovely work. Check out her blog. Thanks Wanda!


    I am so happy for you. :)
    You are going to have fun creating using all those goodies.


  2. Wow, how awesome! Congratulations on a super win! Also thanks for stopping by for a visit at my blog. The little baskets are very mobile and I take them with me whenever the trip is 30 minutes or more. Plenty of time to stitch! I got the pattern out of "WHEN THE COLD WIND BLOWS" by the girls from Blackbird Designs. The baskets are very small, they finish at 5", but since I was taught to baste the basket first on the background it goes quickly. I will keep watch on your blog to see if you decide to make this quilt. Mine will be a lap one probably but we shall see! :D

  3. I will definately keep my eye on your blog. :D It is always fun to see what fabrics other people use and they all look great! Have a great week!

  4. What fun! It looks like you got a lot of goodies in there! I just was notified too, that I will be in the Nov. issue of Altered Couture!
