Monday, June 8, 2009

Mini Housebook Pendant

This is my mini housebook pendant for a trade on FAT (Fiber Art Traders). Leilani is hosting this trade. We were to make the front and back from an old book cover. I used an old dictionary from 1953. These are the house roof. The rest of the house is made from three mini pages. I made mine from Timtex.

Three of my pages are fabric designs, one a scissors, a button, and a quilt square. I also used the words: pendant, fiber, and art on the covers.


  1. Pam,

    Your Mini House Book Pendant turned out really nice. I like it. :)
    Aren't they fun? I think, I will be making at least a few more. :)

  2. Love all your altered art.

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a terrific compliment.

  3. I really like this. I am going to have to try one - maybe two.

  4. this is so cool and I am excited to tell you that I made one too!everytime I read your blog, I think I need to participate in the group again! See, you inspired me....I havent posted it yet, but I will later......
