Friday, July 17, 2009

LOVE Quiltie - Challenge Winner!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Poll Results are in and my little LOVE Quiltie was the Love Challenge Winner on the FAT (Fibers in Altered Art) yahoo group. There was a winner for each of the five "words". What a nice surprise and a prize is on it's way from Diana one of the group managers.

Leilani, the challenge hostess, has asked permission to submit photos of the 5 x 5 quilties to Quilting Arts magazine. They may do an article on the challenge. WOW! It would be great to see artwork in Quilting Arts magazine. I love the magazine. It's always great to receive positive feedback on my work.


  1. Good going Pam! I was watching that challenge and all the submissions were great to look at!

  2. Yeah for you! I'm so thrilled for you accomplishment! It is a dream to be in Quilting Arts someday, the next best thing would be to have a blogging friend in print:) Good luck to you and your fiber friends. Sounds like a group I might like:) Oh and the cupcake was so fun and easy to put together:) Your friend Jenna Louise
