Sunday, August 9, 2009

World's Longest Yard Sale

We just returned from 1 1/2 weeks in Kentucky. We spent the time at our vacation home. Weather was lovely. In the 80's each day and cooler in the evenings. Some rain but lots of sunshine.
We decided to explore the 127 Yard Sale. Billed as the World's Longest Yard Sale, it runs through Ky near our home. I had visions of covering many miles on the afternoon we set aside to visit the sale. We were on the 127 for over five hours. There were so many sales to see that we covered only about 35 miles. We met interesting people and saw many interesting items. Also saw much junk but as I always say " One man's junk is another man's treasure."

I was able to find some clip earrings for a braclet my sister and I have planned. I also purchased some vintage patterns and crochet work. Since we were traveling by plane, I didn't check out too many large items. Guess I could have stored the item until we return with the motorhome in the fall. I'll post photos of my finds later.


  1. Welcome back, Pam!
    Can't wait to see the things you bought at the yard sale.


  2. Each year during our time in KY, I say that I am going to do a day of this sale. So far I haven't done so, but maybe this will be the year. I so enjoy looking through other peoples' junk.

    I am enjoying your blog, and I found it through "My Artistic Side".
