Thursday, September 24, 2009

"E" is for Eagle

I'm trying to work ahead a little on my quilties for Fabric in Altered Art 2. We will be on vacation this fall and I wanted to still participate in the quiltie swap. This is my "E" quiltie for October. The eagle was made on my Janome Memory Craft 11000. It is one of the built in designs. I really love my Janome. I've also been making monogramed items the past few weeks using this machine.
I'm seeing a bird theme here in my quilties. So far I've done "B" is for Bird, "D" is for Dove, and now "E" for eagle. Need to think about "F".

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pam,

    Your E Quiltie turned out great! That is so nice that you have those patterns in your sewing machine. I finished my E Quiltie too but won't be posting it until November when it is due. :)
    I will be posting my D Quiltie soon to my blog.
