Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good News From Altered Couture

Just received an email today from Beth at Altered Couture. The item I sent for the Spring issue has been accepted for publication. This is a partial photo of the before items. You'll have to wait until February to see my "Altered Couture Creation".

I only sent one item for the Spring issue. Guess you can't get better than one for one. In baseball that's batting 1000. (Wish our Diamondbacks could get near 300!) This just isn't their year. We went to last the game of the season on Sunday. Think all are glad to get this one over and think about next spring.
You can check out my two items in the upcoming Winter Issue of Altered Couture magazine. It's due in the bookstores on November 1st.
Also have an item in Belle Armoire magazine due out around November 1st also. It's so much fun to see your creations published in living color. They have such great photographers at the magazines. They make my work look so good!


  1. Congratulations Pam on being published twice.


  2. Good for you! Oh I have such a full plate but someday I want to be in a magazine. That might just be a goal for 2010, can't wait to see your creations. Yeah! Blessings, Jenna Louise

  3. Oh YAY! I cant wait to see what you did!!!!!! congratulations!

  4. Hello-

    I just wanted to say that I love your beautiful apparel. I too am in the Winter publication of Altered Couture and am so happy to be in such fine company!

    I hope you gain some well deserved attention to your lovely creations.

    Congratulations on your feature!

