Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lesson 6 - Finished Face Quilt

I finished my Faces on Fabric quilt. It's bound and ready to hang on the wall. I even put a hanging sleeve on the back. I didn't follow Terri's recommendations by binding but she did say if you had one you liked to use it. So I did. I very pleased with the quilt. Even my DH is impressed!
Faces on Fabric is a great class. I love to learn and try new things. I'm still sketching faces and will work on some more items with faces while on vacation in the fall. For now it's time to clean the studio. Can't believe how messy things get while working on projects.
Next Up are Eyeball T-shirts. I saw them on the Martha Stewart show and copied the directions. Michael's had the t-shirts for $2.00 last week.


  1. I havent' been to your blog in awhile. What a nice treat! Love your faces, bet you had a great time and your cat is hilarious! LOVE IT.

  2. Hi Pam,

    Wow, I love how your face quilt turned out! It is gorgeous!

