Saturday, September 12, 2009

September Fabric Postcard

This is my fabric postcard for September in the Fabric in Altered Arts 2 group. I mail to my friend Norma this month. Hope she likes this little card. The back reads "Wishing you a wonderful fall filled with bright colors and sunshine."
I have a new fabric postcard holder. I found it at the thrift store recently. It is a pink wooden photo holder but it works perfectly for my fabric postcard collection and it's pink. My studio is pink and green. I love the two colors. They are so cheerful and make me feel happy when I enter my studio.


  1. Such a lovely card:) I'm thrilled my summer season is slowing and I can enjoy blogs again:) I love your faces class, I'm thinking of taking it myself sometime. Your canvas work is also so lovely. I hope all is good for you and many blessings:) Jenna Louise

  2. Thanks Jenna L for your comments. The faces class is wonderful. Due to family issues, I haven't been able to finish it but hopefully this next week.

  3. Pam,

    This lovely PC arrived today! Thank you so much for being a great partner like always in my Monthly Swaps.

