Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Woolie" the Halloween Gypsy Cat

Meet "Woolie" my Halloween Gypsy Cat for a swap on Fabric in Altered Arts 2. This is a one for one swap. They are due to hostess Cathy by the end of the month. I decided to use a felted 100% wool sweater as the body and arms and legs. The arms are the cuffs from the sweater and the legs are the bottom edge of the sweater. This sweater really felted well and I'm glad I was able to upcycle the thrift store find into little "Woolie".


  1. Love Mr. Woolie! :)
    But he looks so lonely there. :(
    I think you need to make another one so when you send him to Cathy, he won't be traveling alone! LOL

  2. Thanks Norma. But due to allergies to wool, I think he will be my only "Woolie".

  3. "Woolie" is precious! My name is Deb, and I published my "Gypsy Cats" in Spring Cloth Paper Scissors, so it's fun to see how others are falling in line! I love your blog!
