Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Felt Like Fall Fabric Postcard

This is my Felt Like Fall Fabric Postcard for a trade on Fiber Art Traders (FAT). This is the final postcard in a set of the four seasons. You can find my winter and spring here, and summer here. The trade is hosted by Gretchen. She promises a goodie bag to those of us who have participated in all four trades. This has been a fun trade. I've used my Husky Star ER 10 for some of the postcards. This postcard has a layered felt leaf. It gives it a 3-D effect. I then sprinkled mica chips on the top layer to represent the sparkle of frost early in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. it really looks like fall! I love how you added the mica to give it a little shine!
