Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Pink Saturday

Beverly of How Sweet the Sound has selected the theme for this week's Pink Saturday - "Favorite Holiday Decoration". This little angel was on the top of my very first "family" Christmas tree in 1970. I believe I purchased her at Revco Drug Store. When new she had lights attached. Over the years the lights quit working. I took them off but saved the angel. As I was looking through my decorations, I realized that she is one of the oldest family ornaments in my collection. She will be passed on to my son at some time in the future.

To see more Favorite Holiday Decorations check Beverly's blog. Merry Christmas and thanks for visiting my blog on Pink Saturday.


  1. Good Morning Pam, And That is the way traditions are begun. Your kids will one day be displaying this darling otree topper for everyone to know how special it is to them. Charming. Happy Pink Saturday, Mollye

  2. How absolutely and positively WONDERFUL! You know, I ♥ Pink Saturday but when you can pair it with Christmas - my gosh, what could be better? And, you did a marvelous job☺ What a welcoming home you have...

    Loved your post today, just loved it. Wishing you a weekend filled with fun, family and friendship.

  3. What a cutie and such a treasured memory. What a wonderful piece of history to pass on to your children. Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. What a delightful choice for Pink Saturday ... your angel is precious indeed ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
    My Pink Saturday

  5. What a sweet keepsake and treasure from your past holidays. I love your post for today very much.

  6. Your angel is very sweet! Pink Blessings!

  7. Hi, Pam... we always had an angel on the top of our tree growing up, and I think that is so special you are going to pass this precious one on to your son. I love traditions!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  8. That's adorable! I remember when we were having our first family Christmases how tight with money things were, and that made the things we did choose to buy very precious indeed. And now it's all the more so because she's been with you over the years.

    Happy Pink Saturday!!

  9. Oh Pam, I just love your little angel. Priceless for sure. Thank you for the visit today! happy Pinks & Merry Christmas xo Tami

  10. What a sweet little angel...isn't it fun to bring out our keepsakes and have them around for us for a bit.
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Come by and say Hi.

  11. Hi!
    I found your blog by searching for a crayon holder! We are adopting a little boy from China but need to raise enough to bring our two adopted daughters...I would love your instructions for the Krayon Keeper to make for friends who have asked. They are paying me to make presents to help us fund our trip. And any other crafty things I can sell to bring our boy home!

  12. Greetings, I can't tell is my comment posted...I'm new. We are looking for creative things to make for friends and they asked for a crayon holder. We hope to bring our little boy home from China soon and I'm doing all I can to help pay to bring along our two daughters! Or any other crafty item to make and sell please too! thank you so very much!
    Marie in Cleves

  13. Hi, Pam,
    Thank you for sharing that sweet angel with us! These vintage ornaments always mean the most. I am sure your son will treasure it for years to come and then pass it on for others to enjoy. Thank you so much for stopping by Bunny Cottage. I am glad to get to know you! Vicki p.s. Your Singer looks like the one my momma used to sew on!! Love it!!

  14. Oh my goodness I love your angel she is so precious. I wish that I would have treasured alot more and my parents and grandparents would not have thrown so much out...HugsGrace

  15. sorry I forgot to send my email! for Marie requesting the cute Crayon holder, thanks!

  16. Wonderful angel! Thanks for sharing! I am now following you and hope you follow me too: )


  17. She is adorable! Thanks for visiting me today. Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. Pam

    Your angel has the sweetest face. What a wonderful heirloom for your son.


  19. What a special Angel from your first Christmas Tree! She looks very happy to be part of every Christmas and many more to come! Hope you have a wonderful Pink Saturday and a very Merry Christmas!

  20. A wonderful memory to pass down! Happy pink week to you and yours!!

  21. Those older ornaments always have a special place in our heart. I have some like that too. Your Christmas tree is really pretty. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday.


  22. Sorry I'm so late. I witnessed the passing of the Olympic Torch today. My 3rd cousin was running with it. Such an emotional day. Took tons of pictures. It was a clear blue sunny day. I met family that I didn't even know existed, The torch is on it's ways to B.C. Canada as you might know. i live in Ottawa, Ontario, long way to go if you know where that is loll
    I have a angel just like yours but with a white dress.
    Happy PS
    Love Claudie

  23. she is so cool I have yet to find one to replace the one I grew up with in my heart i don't know what happened to her but I have never found one quite the same.

  24. Hi Pam
    That little angel is so sweet...have a blessed week end

  25. Oh She is just too cute! What a special memory I am sure she has! I'm a little late but Happy PINK!
