Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Pink Saturday

I'm posting my Pink Saturday early. I've been busy with Christmas events but wanted to do a post for Pink Saturday. We will be busy until next week with family and fun.

The bear in the photo was delivered by Santa on Christmas 1949. He is now 60 and is a genuine Senior citizen. His name is Mr. Bear. Don't know when he got his name since I was only 18 months old when he arrived in my life. I don't think I had a large vocabulary at that time (but my parents often said I was born talking and never quit!) He is missing an eye and his stitches are very loose. He is still my "Mr. Bear" and resides on the bed in the guest bedroom. I think he is a very lovely bear and I'm so glad Santa choose to deliver such a fine fellow 60 years ago! Thanks Santa. Your elves did a great job.

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Birthday Mr. Bear. Be sure to check out other Pink Saturday posts. Just visit Beverly's blog. Holiday greeting to all. I'll be back next year!!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


  1. I love him.....I have no childhood toys and I sure wish I had something like Mr. Bear...he is a treasure..Merry Christmas Pam!

  2. Well he still looks good, with one eye, for 60 years old.
    Happy PS Pam
    Love Claudie

  3. what a fantastic bear so loved and treasured hapy pink saturday

  4. Happy Birthday Mr. Bear and Happy Pink Saturday Pam. Sure reminds me of SaraJane and Sue...It's SJ's Birthday, too! Have a great holiday and Happy Pink Saturday...Sue

  5. He's a great bear! My youngest sister still has her teddy bear she had when she grew up. Mom saved it, but no child hood toys for my middle sister and I. I guess we know who mom loved best. LOL

  6. I think Mr. Bear is still quite handsome! Happy Pink Saturday!


  7. Cute. Precious how you still able to keep him around.

  8. Mr. Bear looks great on the that colorful blanket! Enjoy the holidays!

  9. What a nice bear, and I bet he has a lot of great memories. I love the afaghan behind him.

  10. Precious treasure..
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. How sweet that you still have your bear! Happy Holidays and Happy pink week!!

  12. Thank you for stopping by. Bears are just wonderful.

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  13. Pam, I love Mr. Bear, that is so wonderful that you still have this treasured fellow to love.
    Thanks for stopping by..hope your Christmas was wonderful and many wishes for a great 2010...

  14. Ah, I can see why you love Mr. Bear. He must love you very much, too.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Holidays to you and your family, Pam.

  15. This is the kind of thing that really gets me. I had a very similar bear to this and I got rid of him ages ago! Why do we do that? Well I guess the answer is we just can't keep everything and moods overcome us and we toss things then regret it later. I was born in 1941 and mine is was a bit different but same pattern and shape. Good for you for hanging onto Mr. Bear.
