Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas

It's beginning to look like Christmas at our house. The snowmen are now on display. Over the years my collection of snowmen has grown to include a variety of the little men (and some women). Many are gifts and others were purchased by our family. This year most of the snowmen are displayed on the hutch by the t.v. Others are sitting around the room. I still haven't decorated the tree. I'm trying to decide on a theme. I'll probably go with red and white like last year. Decision will be made by Thursday. For now the tree sits with lights only.


  1. It is Lookin Like Christmas at your house. Cute Snow Guys and Gals. I've collected all kinds of Santas for a long time, but have a few Snowmen Ornaments! Got my Tree done yesterday. If you'd like to see come on over to CollectInTexas Gal and click on the button that says "GRIT Christmas Tree"!

  2. great snowman collection, my husband collects snowmen, yes it does look like Christmas over there!

  3. This looks like a cozy spot to curl up with a cup of coffee! Snowmen are awesome, just as cute as it gets. Happy New Year!
    ~ Autumn Clark
