Friday, December 18, 2009

Vintage Christmas Apron

Matilda is ready for Christmas entertaining. Isn't she a lucky lady (mannequin) to be wearing this lovely apron! I found this wonderful vintage apron at Goodwill. I just love it. I think it must have been a kit. Kit probably included the netting, felt, ribbon, rickrack, beads and sequins. I hope my photos show the detail of the bell embellishments. It's obvious that someone spent hours and hours attaching sequins with beads. There is also a piece of the silver rickrack on each bell.
I always wonder about the history of things I find at thrift stores. Do you think someone actually wore this lovely little apron? Did someone spend all those hours making it as a gift? Did the recipient appreciated the hours it took to make it? How did it end up at Goodwill with a 99 cent price tag?


  1. Oh my what a georgeous apron! I love it. Grace

  2. What a original idea - love it! But it's too pretty to wear, what if you got drips on it. Doesn't bear thinking about!

  3. That is the cutest vintage apron I have ever seen. Your children are beautiful. Have a great Christmas. Blessings, Martha

  4. Beautiful apron! Wow - what a precious find. I like to think about things I find like that, too. What is its history?, etc. I love scouring the thrift stores in hopes of finding "treasures". Maybe I am a modern day "pirate". :-) Love it!

    You definitely should find the book The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Your granddaughters would definitely LOVE it. I discovered it about 15 yrs ago and we read it faithfully every year. My kids who are 15 and 20 still want to hear it.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Merry Christmas to you!


  5. Very pretty, but certainly not a practical functionable apron. I guess not all aprons were meant to get dirty!
