Monday, January 4, 2010

Glitzy Garment Quiltie

One of my Yahoo groups, Fabric in Altered Art 2, is having a monthly quiltie swap. The theme has been letters of the alphabet. Our hostess, Penny, decided to throw in an additional theme for the "G" quiltie - "Glitzy Garment". This is my little Glitzy Garment quiltie. The dress and accessories once belonged to Barbie. I purchased them at the Goodwill some time ago thinking I could use them in my altered art and now I have! (goal to use "stuff" in my studio in my fabric art) I added the gold bead necklace from my bead stash and the purple background is from a purple jacket I purchased at Dollar Days.
The outfit also included a pair of black boots but I couldn't figure out a way to include them on the quiltie. Maybe someday I'll do something with Barbie shoes!


  1. That is sooo ow you used the clothing pieces!

    Stay Cozy,


  2. Very cute:) You always have the greatest creations:) Thanks for inspiring me. My 4-H'ers and I made it into Quilting Quarterly magazine. Hop on over and check it out:) Thanks for believing in me. I'm going to send in a few more things this year to some others. Blessings to you. Jenna Louise

  3. Barbie would love it that you have exhibited bits of her clothing to hang on someone's wall. recycling - i'm with you committed to using my stuff.

  4. Hi Pam!
    Thanks for your comment on the quilt; it was a Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt - Orange Crush, she named it. My daughter's favorite colors are purple and lime...we call hers, PURPLE CRUSH! I love your quilties and lovely blog so I am a!
