Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday

Pretty Pink Flower

When deciding what to share for Pink Saturday, I came across this lovely plate with a pink flower in my china cabinet. This is the story of that plate.

I began collecting Blue Ridge Pottery Plates when we moved into our 1950's ranchstyle home a few years ago. Since the home is in a historic district, I decided to keep the kitchen cabinets and vintage pale green tile countertops and blacksplash. I choose red as my kitchen accent color with vintage red plastic canisters and spice rack. I purchased a vintage Blue Ridge plate in the crabapple pattern (red). Once the first plate was found, I began my search of thrift stores, flea markets, and antique shops for more Blue Ridge pottery. I now have Blue Ridge dishes displayed through out my kitchen. Blue Ridge was manufactured by Southern Pottery.

While searching for Blue Ridge, I found this lovely plate with the pink flower that closely resembled Blue Ridge but was not. It is from the Stetson pottery company. In the late 1950's Stetson employed one of the Southern Pottery's most famous creators, Lean Watts. With her came many look-alike patterns. This is one of those patterns. I do have a few pieces of the Stetson on display in my kitchen but the majority is Blue Ridge.

My first Blue Ridge Platter (bottom)

For a list of more Pink Saturday posts check out Beverly's How Sweet the Sound. I also recomment Eclectic Pink Rose.


  1. Hi, Pam,
    I enjoyed seeing your wonderful pottery! It is very festive and charming. I had heard of Blue Ridge Pottery but not the Stetson Pottery. Thank you for the information. Happy Pink Saturday to you and have a terrific weekend! Vicki

  2. Thank you for visiting me. I love the childhood picture of you. You are one cute patoot!

  3. How nice to stumble across something pretty when you're looking for something else - it's like receiving a gift.

    Have a happy pink saturday & a lovely week.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)
    PS: my pink saturday post is on this blog -

  4. So interesting to hear about Stetson Pottery - I wasn't aware of it. Very pretty, as is the Blue Ridge Pottery. I'm sure it looks beautiful in your home!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  5. Pam, I love your plates and the Rooster Plate holder is great. I hope you will show more pics of your kitchen...I'd love to see it all. Funny that both of our posts are About Plates. Yours on the wall and mine are 'Just A Spinnin'. Come on over to CollectInTexas Gal for some Plate Spinnin lessons...ya never know!

  6. A lovely plate.
    Pink Blessings!

  7. Hi pam!

    I love that first plate! My grandma had some just like it and it brought a smile to my face to see it again!

  8. Happy Pink Saturday Pam,
    This is my first time to your blog and I joined as a follower. I love the plate, I love the story you told about your dishes and I roosters...I have not ever seen a plate holder like that. I read some of your posts and I love the doll dress, of course and the trunk and sooooo wished I was your granddaughter but oh my I wouldn't want to go back through my life but just the happy times of having my two children. I love the quilted piece that you made with the barbie clothes.....awesome......
    look forward to getting to know you better.
    Angel Hugs
    Simply Debbie

  9. Your kitchen sounds fabulous! I just love vintage!

    Hugs and Happy Pink Saturday,

  10. I love Blue Ridge Pottery and have several pieces! It is still packed away from the move but will be making an appearance soon. I think I will do a tablescape with some. I have also picked up a few Stetson pieces they are very similar! I have a couple of books about Blue Ridge and it is so fun to try to identify the different many and all so lovely!

    Linda @ A La Carte

  11. It sounds like you have a lovely kitchen filled with great things you love. I really enjoyed seeing some of your pottery and hearing the story behind it.

  12. Very nice - I don't think I've ever seen a rooster plate holder before. Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. Beautiful Pam... You are my 3rd blogger friend named Pam. Talk about confusing.. You may have written me before and I 'thought' you were one of the other Pam's. Today--your comment about being in Arizona made me realize that you are a DIFFERENT Pam. Thanks for visiting me--and please come back. I will be more careful next time...

    Love your Blue Ridge dogwood plate. We do have LOTS of dogwoods around the Blue Ridge area.

    Where is your vacation home in KY??? I'm sure there is plenty of snow there right now...

    Thanks again for visiting and please come back.

  14. What gorgeous pottery..I specially like the fruits. Hope you find a lot more for your collections. Happy Pink Saturday..have a lovely weekend.

  15. So love your visits!! I absolutely love that pink plate. It is the sweetest, you know, I remember my mother having a set of dishes when I was a little girl that were so similiar to that, they were not pink, but it seems as if they had a green flower similiar to I wonder if it could have been the same. I love all of yours!!!
    Happy Pink Saturday.
    ♥ Teresa

  16. Oooh, I can see why you fell in love with this pottery! I so love these vintage patterns. Hope you find many more treasures!

  17. Agreed, this plate was a gift from the universe. Have a nice week-end.
    Joyce M

  18. It's fun to see so many vintage things. They always tickle me.

  19. I'm a day late and a dollar short☺ Was able to leave some messages for Pink Saturday yesterday and finishing up today. Over the holidays I was MIA from PS and really missed it but knew that I wouldn't be able to visit many blogs. I'm back today and must say that it feels so good to visit familiar places - like coming home again.

    Today you made my little, pinkie ♥ smile. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely blog. Hoping this next week is filled with sunshine and the laughter of friends and family☺
