Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday

A Valentine for Teacher

Don't you just love these little vintage Valentines.  I found them in at a Flea Market.  They were from Mrs. Howell's class and were  in a plastic bag.  The bag included one signed by Mrs. Howell and 23 Valentines from students. 

Today I am sharing some of the Pink ones.  These cards are signed by Randall, James, Judy, Bobby, and Kathy.   They bring back memories of grade school days and exchanging Valentines.  It was so much fun to complete the little envelopes and sign my name on the back of each card.  I can remember reading the sentiments to make sure that everyone got the perfect card.  I'm sure Randall, James, Judy, Bobby, and Kathy did the same thing. 

Wish I had kept at least one of those wonderful boxes my mom helped me make from a shoe box.  Wonder if students still make boxes and exchange Valentines?  Hope you have similar pleasant memories of Valentine Days past.

Thanks for joining me for Pink Saturday.  For more Pink posts check out the list on Beverly's How Sweet the Sound.    To see more lovely Pinks check out Some Place in Thyme.


  1. This is so neat, Pam! I always loved Valentine's Day, and I gave Valentines to everyone in my class. We always made our own Valentine holders out of manilla folders with construction paper hearts on them. It was all so exciting, and these Valentines look like the ones of old when I was little. Neat post. Thanks!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  2. I love them and they bring back such great memories!!! I love Valentines......thanks for your comment on the post about my mom....I didnt realize that you lost your mom at a yonng age really stinks but life is hard sometimes and we go on....I sure miss her!

  3. I love the vintage Valentines!

    Hugs and Happy Pink Saturday,

  4. What a wonderful Pink Saturday post! I just ♥ the fact that each of us shares such a variety of items - that's one reason why this event is never boring. Always something fun, new, lovely or interesting around the corner.

    I just ♥ old Valentines. There is just something so sweet and comforting about them.

    Thanks for sharing a part of yourself today☺ Cold, gloomy day today but, as always, bright and sunny on the Pink Saturday blogs.

    ♫Wishing you sunshine and happiness this weekend!♫

  5. Oh Pam, yes I remember those days all too well, decorating the paper sack lunch bags and hanging them up in front of the class...I too wish I had things of days gone by. Too bad we never realized what would be so cherished today. Maybe that's a good thing or all our homes would be full with the past!! THANKYOU so much for honoring my blog today, I appreciate it more than you can know, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  6. Oh so cute! I love the vintage valentines!

  7. Hi Pam! LOVE your little valentines for teachers!.. But I must say my eye strayed to the right a bit, and I was intrigued with the Altered Couture Magazine issues you show there!.. Oooooh, I wish I could read through THOSE!!! I will have to look that publication up! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you have a wonderful weekend! ~tina

  8. I love the Vintage Valentines and have seen so many wonderful ones that others have collected since I've been blogging. I'm going to have to pay more attention to them while Junkin and Antiquen. I'd give anything to have just one of the ShoeValentine Boxes made with my Mama! My grands are still doing them in Elementary School...nice to see some things don't change! Today is the BlogginBirthday Finale....come on by for some of that Chocolate Cake Sarah made and wear the Fuzzies!

  9. Pam ~ Love, love, love these valentines! I remember them and making a Valentine box. Mine always had doilies on it - pink and red construction paper - oh the fun! I don't think they do that in schools any more at least not around here. What fun they are missing! Thanks for bringing back wonderful memories. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.


  10. I love your vintage Valentine's Day cards. I had a bunch of vintage ones from my childhood that I must have accidently thrown away. I looked and looked for them and could never find them. I still have some that are pasted in my childhood scrapbook, but they're harder to scan that way. Thank you for visitng my blog. Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. Oh, I loved those Valentines! I took them very seriously! I poured over each one and felt the "giftness" as I thought about each classmate! Now, teaching middle school, I often hurt for the kids who don't get a Valentine. I write in 115 of them and tell each student that they are precious and valuable and very dear to me.

  12. I DO love these! What nostalgia! Thanks for sharing them and Happy Pink Saturday!


  13. Pam,
    I love Vintage Valentines! I love how much Valentines are so tied to the color Pink!Thank you for sharing your Pinks!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Have A Great Day!

    Livin' With Hoosiers

  14. I do! I do! I do! Love these vintage Valentines! They bring back such warm and wonderful memories! The Valentine box near teacher's desk, the breathtaking opening or the cards addressed to me, the running home from school to show Mom! Thanks so much for sharing and enjoy this wonderful PINK Saturday!

  15. I love your vintage Valentines! Thank you for sharing them. I also loved your Homer Laughlin china, too! Thank you for stopping by our blog and your kind comments. Have a nice weekend! Twyla

  16. I remember this type of Valentine so well. We would make a big envelope out of construction paper and hang it on the back of our school chair and everyone would drop Valentines in the envelope. Such fun! Happy Pink Saturday!

  17. awww..those vintage Valentine's made this teacher's heart skip a beat. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you visit again soon! Happy Pink! Tammy

  18. What a lovely pink post. happypink Saturday

  19. You really brought back a lot of school time memories for me. We always made the shoebox Valentines boxes and each kid would put a valentine in your box and I always hoped there would be a mushy love note from who ever the boy I liked at that time in there. LOL
    Thanks for reminding me. Love your blog.


  20. Oh wow! I sure enjoyed this post. I turn (gulp) 50 this year and I remember those valentines. I, too, was so careful about choosing the card for the recipient. Now, the kids are told to sign their name and just drop them in a box. Maybe it is different elsewhere.

  21. Happy Pink Saturday - the valentines are a wonderful find. I wish I had all of my cards. Have a wonderful new week.

  22. Hi, Pam,
    I absolutely love these vintage Valentines, and yes, they bring back many sweet memories! I, too, wish I still had one of my Valentine boxes that my momma helped me create. Those were wonderful, innocent years, weren't they? Happy Pink Saturday, dear friend! Vicki

  23. What a find. I am a big fan of vintage items.
    ENJOY all the PINK!
    ~ Jany ~
    Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"

  24. I love vintage images - you were fortunate to find these lovely Valentine ones.

    .... wishing you a Happy (belated) Pink Saturday - have a lovely week.
    Thank you for visiting - it's great having you pop in.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  25. Love those Valentines! Vintage is one of my favorites and I so enjoy visiting your blog for the vintage goodies:) Jenna Louise

  26. There is just something so sweet and comforting about them.

    Work from home India
