Friday, January 15, 2010

Pink Saturday

Pink Saturday in my Studio

For this week's Pink Saturday post, I will show you a pink shelf in my studio.  The walls of my studio are pale pink with pale green accent wall.  I love the colors.  They remind me of springtime.  I love to create here.  This shelf began it's life as one of my thrifted items.  I think it originally was designed for a bathroom.  When I found it, it had dark wood stain and the top compartment had a mirrored door.  I could see possibilities and purchased it.  My DH removed the ugly mirrored door and the pressed wood back panel.  I then painted it this lovely pink.  I use the shelf for ribbon and to display treasured items.

These old wooden spools on a vintage spool holder were a gift from my California Sister.

This cute little pin cushion is a gift from my Arizona sister.  I use it to hold sewing machine needles.

This candle and holder were gifts from my beautiful granddaughters.  It is part of a set that also included a lovely heart shaped wire basket.  The basket sits on my desk and holds ATCs.

I found this lovely lady at the thrift store for 75 cents.  She is ceramic and was the perfect color for my studio.  I think she is handpainted.

Tag book made at a wonderful little scrapbook store Devine Memories.  They recently closed.

This is one of my favorite altered books.  I made it at a class at Mystic Paper (a lovely scrapbook store in downtown Mesa).  The class was taught by Susan Johnson.  Susan is a local artist and I love her classes.  I was lucky enough to have Susan design an altered book for my 60th birthday party.

Hope you enjoyed seeing my Pink Shelf and it's treasures.

For more Pink Saturday post visit Beverly's How Sweet the Sound.  Beverly is the hostess for Pink Saturday. I'm sure you will enjoy her  blog.  You will also want to visit the Bunny Cottage to see a great pink collection and a prayer for Haiti and it's people.

Please continue to pray and support the people of Haiti as they begin the long and difficult process of recovery. 


  1. Hi, Pam,
    You did a great job on restoring your pink shelf! I love the combination of pink and green, too. I sure enjoyed seeing those wooden spools of thread. They bring back memories of my mother. She made everything I wore, and she sewed the clothes on an old Singer sewing machine. Thank you for mentioning me in your post! Have a Happy Pink Saturday, sweet friend! Vicki

  2. What a cute pink shelf and the pink wooden sppols are so darling! Thank you for visiting! Happy Pink Saturday. Grace

  3. i enjoyed looking at all your pink stuff. great job on that shelf. been meaning to restore something too for my craft room but i can't find the right piece yet. that pink shelf is adorable. i love the idea of using the towel holder (i think?) as a ribbon holder. neat!

    happy pink saturday, pam!

  4. Everything in your post is gorgeous. Love the pink shelf. Your pin cushion brings back memories for me of my visit to China (a long time ago).

    Have a happy pink saturday & a lovely week.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)
    PS: my pink sat post is on this blog -

  5. Hi Pam,
    I love all of your pretty pink.
    Your shelf is so lovely and the colors of your room would inspire me too. I just wish my sewing stuff looked as neat as yours.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    I signed up to follow you, so I'll be back often.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  6. The treasures on your shelf are really lovely. I was particularly taken with the pin cushion. That's really unique. I hope you have a wonderful Pink Saturday. Blessings...Mary

  7. Altering that shelf was very clever. I enjoyed all your pink today. Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. ♫Happy Pink Saturday♫

    Gloomy and gray over in my neck of the woods today so all of the pinks shared this Saturday are so special and cheerful. They remind me that there are more colors than just white, gray and black.Your pinks are wonderful! My goodness - so special☺

    I hope your weekend is filled with sunshine surrounded by the laugher of those you love.

    Please pray for the people of Haiti. May God bless each and every soul.

  9. You can see and feel all the love coming from your work room. So many precious gifts from loved ones and what a great repurpose idea too. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  10. You have lots of things in pink..They are wonderful. HPS

  11. Hi Pam...You're pink shelf holds lots of wonderful Pink Thingys! The little lady looks so happy to have been rescued and now living in such a pretty place. I have a big collection of old spools and have used them in lots of projects. Good job on the repurposed shelf. Happy PinkDay!

  12. What a wonderful shelf, and I love all of your treasures gracing each and every shelf.

    Happy Pink Saturday


  13. What pretty pinks! I wish I had a nice place to store my ribbons!

    Happy Pink Saturday,

  14. I LOVE your pink shelf.. it is FABULOUS as are all the sweet treasures you shared!!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. Love your back ground! I have the pink version! Your shelf is wonderful! I have been plotting and planning my work room and a shelf with a dowel so I can spool my ribbons! I love all your sweet sewing items!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  16. In Illinois it is gray here. So I really enjoyed seeing the book "How to be Happy." I think it is choice to be happy daily.
    Joyce M

  17. Hi Pam,
    You did a wonderful job of reclaiming something wonderful. I love the little shelf and the ribbon holder..and everything on it is just wonderful. I simply can't choose a favorite thing..but it may be the spools and spool holders. I love how you have everything done and I've signed up to become a follower.. can't wait to see what you do next.
    Happy Pinks and have a lovely weekend.

  18. Hi Pam! LOVE your pink shelf! Oh how I did have such a nice set up for my sewing and crafts at the old place, before moving, but I'm keeping my chin up, and eventually I will master making the most of SMALL SPACES... and hopefully I'll make a little craft and sewing space that's just right! Anyways, I have a shelf very similar to the one you're showing today, that is not yet being used!.. Hmmm.. I'll have to think about this! Yours is REALLY CUTE! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you're enjoying the weekend! ~tina

  19. Hi Pam, Happy Pink Saturday! Don't you just love it when you can repurpose things like that and they work out perfectly? Great pinks...Becs

  20. Lovely pink post!
    I enjoy them.
    Happy weekend.

  21. Thanks for sharing your lovely pink Saturday post:) Jenna Louise

  22. I just love the shelves and the spool holder (wish I could get hold of one). An excellent job and a great colour combo.

    As you read in my PS post, I am very saddened that I've had to put word verification back on due to my email address being hijacked on Friday, so I spent most of yesterday doing damage limitation. So I'm now moderating AND have word verification (which I will take off again in a week or so, once the hackers get the message). So I apologise for that.

    Of the two, I still think the Moderate All Comments is the best (and the one I'll revert to), as I have still seen spam on blogs where the word verification is on but then the comment allowed to go straight to the blog.

    An apologetic and belated Happy Pink Saturday on Sunday!

  23. I love the shelf with the dowel for ribbon. I was just thinking yesterday that I really needed to get mine all in one place. (I have lots more than that!)

    Happy Pink Saturday. I'm having a giveaway of blog help from Susie at 1st Floor Flat. If you haven't already stopped by, please do.

  24. i love your pink shelf and the little ceramic pink girl. thank you for sharing and i will continue to pray for Haiti.

  25. I love the color of pink that you painted the pretty! what is it about pink that we love so much.....I always have loved it!
    You gotta go to the dollar store and get you some "fresh" linen is the best....

  26. I love the color of pink that you painted the pretty! what is it about pink that we love so much.....I always have loved it!
    You gotta go to the dollar store and get you some "fresh" linen is the best....
