Monday, January 25, 2010

Vintage Linen Pillowcover Part 2

Here if the final pillowcover top.  You will see that I added the edges cut from the smaller dresser scarf but otherwise I followed my original placement.  I used a tight zigzag along all cut crochet edges.  I'm hoping this will prevent stitches from pulling out.  The top of the doily was attached by hand.  All other stitches were done on my Bernina 165.  Now it's time to add back fabric.  I'll post finished pillowcover later.  Thanks for following my progress.

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Pam..
    Thank you for sharing your story. There are so many sweet,lovely people out there,that would never do harm to anyone..they would just offer love and kindness. But sometimes we come across a bad someone, a hurtful person and they spread hurt out as far as they can. I've never understood people like that. I'm so sorry for your mothers loss..those things can never be replaced. The good thing is, we have the sweet memories that nobody can snatch away..and maybe that's the sweetest thing of all. Not the material things..but the sweet memories.
    Your pillowcase is just beautiful
    I love how you've done it. What a very special.loving gift.
    Again,thank you for your visit..and for sharing your story.
