Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fabric Postcard

This is my February Fabric Postcard for Fabric in Altered Arts 2.  The fabric is leftovers from the 9 Patch Pizzaz quilt that I am currently quilting.  I hope to finish the quilting today.  I took a break for the cruise and adopting a rescue dog.  You can read about these events in previous posts.

The embellishment is a piece of costume jewelry that I picked up at the thrift store years ago.  The colors were perfect for the fabrics from the 9 Patch Pizzaz.  The edges are finished with a couched novelty yarn from my stash.  I continue to work on my goals of recycling, repurposing, and using things in my stash.  I had fun revisiting my stash and seeing items from the past in a new light.  Something old can indeed become something new.

The postcard will go in the mail tomorrow to Norma in her new home in Florida.  Hope she likes it.


  1. you do such a great job with these fibery postcards! I love this one....
    We did get home to cold and a little it is just cold....I sure miss the sun and water is kind of like bringing the baby home and getting the postpartum blues......
