Monday, February 15, 2010

Meet Cody - The Newest Member of the Family

Isn't he the most adorable dog.  He arrived in our family on Saturday and has stolen everyone's heart.  We have named him Cody.  (Actually my DH chose the name)

On Saturday, I left our home to go shopping at Penneys.  As I was driving into the Tempe Marketplace, the pet store had a sign outside advertising Adoption Day.  I parked the car and went inside.  The rest of the story is rather obvious.  We have been dogless for over a year and our cat died in the fall. We missed animals in our lives.

When I walked into the pet store I saw Cody immediately and started asking questions.  He had been picked up as a stray (can you believe that).  He is microchipped but the phone # has been disconnected.  He was listed in Craigs List with no response.  He is an older dog.  According to his chip about 6 years old.  I couldn't reach my DH by phone so they held him until I could drive home and get him.  Of course he loved him immediately and we filled out the adoption papers and Cody came home with us.

He is the most laid back dog.  My Granddaughters came to visit yesterday and took him for numerous walks.  My sister brought her two dogs to visit and they seemed to like one another.  We are so pleased and feel that we have the perfect pet for our lifestyle of motorhome travel and relaxing at home. 

Welcome Cody.


  1. It breaks my heart to think that someone would give him up, but I'm glad that you are his new owner.

    He's so sweet looking and bless you for rescuing him.


  2. He is a cutie! Good for you, adopting a homeless pet. He is one lucky doggie!

  3. So very precious Cody is!! Congrads on your new sweetie.

  4. He looks quite mellow. Hope you all have a great time together.

  5. Oh congrats! I don't think I could go very long without a pet in my home! I am so glad Cody found his forever home with you! I have a Yorkie that was found on a construction site (probably looking for food) and she has been with us a little over a year and I just adore her. She was very very very shy at first but my other two have shown her how to be wild and crazy! Enjoy your new furbaby!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  6. How wonderful!!! Cody is adorable. We just got my Mom a rescue dog (from a puppy mill) just like Cody, only a different color. She is a joy for Mom and such a sweet heart of a dog. Her name is Maggie. :)
