Friday, February 26, 2010

Pink Saturday

Pink Saturday
Vintage Deer Planters

Welcome to Pink Saturday.   I have decided to share some of my vintage deer planters this week.  A number of years ago my sister gave me a vintage duck planter for my birthday.  After that first planter, I began searching for other vintage planters with an animal theme.  My DH is a hunter and fisherman and I thought this would be a great way to include his interests into my "collecting".  I began finding vintage deer planters and my collection started to grow.  I presently have over 100 of the vintage planters.  The majority are deer and birds.  Many of the deer are displayed in our bedroom as shown here.  Most are in our home here in Arizona but some at our vacation home in Kentucky.  I also have a number of lamps and t.v. lamps in my collection. 

Today I'm showing the deer on the shelf above our bed.  The furniture in our bedroom was custom designed to display my collection of deer and bird planters.  I selected one of the pink planters to feature in this post.  Hope you enjoy seeing these.

 Thanks to Beverly  over at How Sweet the Sound.  Check out her blog to find a list of Pink Saturday participants this week. 

I'd like to recommend Grace's blog Pink in the City for your viewing pleasure. 


  1. What a great collection! Thanks for sharing!


  2. This is such a different collection and a lovely one. Happy Pink Saturday..hope your weekend is a wonderful one.

  3. Hi Pam "Thank You" so much for putting me on your blog! You are the sweetest. I so enjoy all the amazing friends and all the Pink Saturday blogs and comments!

    Deer planters? who knew and I love them! They are so unique. Have a wonderful Pink weekend and thank you so much! Grace xoxox

  4. How nice!

    Happy PS!

    Maggie Mae
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  5. Oh, I love , love, LOVE your deer! Thank you so much for showing them to us.
    I collect them too. They are very "deer" to my heart.

  6. I am so glad you decided to share the photos of your deer planters. They are so pretty.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  7. You have a nice collection. Looks great where you have them placed.
    Have a wonderful day.

  8. The little deer pink planter is just the cutest thing. Isn't it funny how we fall in love with something and then the search is on!


  9. Oh beautiful! I love the pink! I also love that you have several colors!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  10. Pam, I'm continually amazed at all of the wonderful things that are shared. Your deer planters are definitely unique and elegant. This is the first time I've ever seen even one, much less a collection! I'll bet your husband appreciates them. Thanks for sharing your special collection. Terri

  11. Oh wow! What an unusual collection, so 50s, I really love them. And they all look so happy, too.

    Happy PS!

  12. I am becoming more and more enamored with these old animal pottery planters. I started one with the baby shoes when my grand-daughter was born. My DH is not an avid treasure hunter like I am so I tried to get him more interested by having him look for old fishing lures (but it didn't work)

  13. I love these deers. They are so precous. Thanks for sharing and I hope you had a wonderful Pink Saturday. Lia

  14. Very nice collection - Happy late Pink Saturday!

  15. I am still making HPS rounds,probably will take till next Saturday! Happy Belated Pink Saturday!
    PS I am having a blog giveaway!

  16. I remember these.....I like them!
