Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Playing Dress Up Quilt

This is a little quilt I made for my niece, Alexa.  Years ago my sister had given me some of Alexa's baby clothing.   She had been cleaning and didn't want to just throw them away.  So asked me if I would like to make something from them.  I've had them all this time but could never come up with just the right project.  The fabric was so thin that it would not make a quilt unless I added stabilizer.  So they sat in a bag in my studio.  Over the years I would look at them and think "I need to come up with a project".

Last Friday I attended the Arizona Quilters Guild Quilt Show.  One of the vendor had this little quilt on display.  It is called "Playing Dress Up"  by Renee Plains.  I purchased the pattern and made the quilt on Saturday and Sunday.  It went in the mail Monday and today Alexa called to say the quilt had arrived at her home.  She was so excited and plans to hang it in her daughter's bedroom.  I'm so glad I finally found just the right project for Alexa's baby clothing. 


  1. Beautiful! What a great idea! A friend here had wallhanging memory quilts made from old nightgowns that belonged to her grandmother. She had 6 made and gave to each of her family members in honor of her grandmother. I just loved that idea. So touching! Wishing you a bright and beautiful day! :) Tammy

  2. Hi Pam,

    Your little niece Alexa, will love her little quilt! It is so precious.

