Friday, March 26, 2010

A Touch of Vintage Apron

This is an apron I designed for Stampington's Apronology magazine.  They kept it for almost two years and finally returned it this week with a rejection notice.  Now I'm posting it here and it soon will be added to my Etsy shop.

I designed the pattern and used this lovely floral fabric that I found at the thrift store.  I just love the pink floral print on the blue background.  When I saw it, I knew I could make something lovely with the fabric and the price was right.  It survived the washing machine (the first thing I do to all thrift store purchases). 

I also found the vintage linen piece with lovely lace edging and embroidery stitching at the thrift store (I believe it is part of a dresser set).  The lace around the edges of the piece is so delicate and lovely.  I believe it is tatting.  I added a floral pocket to the vintage linen and then attached to the bib of the apron.  I added vintage lace to the bottom of the apron.  I thought it turned out really nice.  This is only my second rejection letter from Stampington.  I have been very lucky in having my designs published in Somerset magazines so I can't be too disappointed.  



  1. I love this apron it is very pretty and practical at the same time...Some aprons are so fancy your afraid to wear them!!! I'm a sucker for roses on a blue back ground as well.

    Hugs, Susan

  2. Hi Pam,

    I did not have a pattern for the paper rose but I will tell you what I did...very easy!!
    I cut a circle about 2 1/2 inches round starting from the outer edge of the circle I cut a spiral going all the way down till there was a little circle about a 1/4 of an inch round which would be the middle of the rose...then I took the spiral in my hand and started to turn the spiral in towards the middle. I put some double sided tape on the begining of the spiral and as the second spiral met the first one I pinched them both together. I then continued down towards the I went along I would crimp some of the edges outward like a rose petal would do. The last spiral before you come to the middle I attached another very small piece of tape and kept the middle loose as it would stand up a bit to give it a more dimensional look.
    Before I attached it to the tag I inked it in places using a Q-tip and then edged it a bit with a gold leaf pen. I put double sided tape on the bottom of the paper rose in a few places and once in place on the tag I bent some of the petals over a bit more. Whew..Lol, I think this is my first tutorial, if you get lost somewhere in this comment I could try getting my husband to do little movie on my blog..ha ha!!
    Well have fun Pam and thank you for visiting me!
    Hugs, Susan

  3. Oh my!!!!! Such an I would love such an apron in my collection. It's a beautiful design,and fabric..everything is just perfect.I love it..

  4. Well, I would say that it is their loss! I think it's wonderful!

  5. I love this apron...I am sorry that they kept it so long and then didnt publish it....they couldve made a decision sooner than that I would think....
