Friday, April 30, 2010

Iris in Bloom

I've been anxiously awaiting the blooming of my iris.  Aren't these two colors lovely.  There are still other colors that will be blooming in a few days.  These plants were given to me by my Aunt Helen.  They were growing in her yard and she was thinning out her beds.  They were planted in my yard 4 years ago.  This is the first time I have been able to see them in bloom.  We usually are on our way back to Arizona by the end of April but this year we are staying until later in May. 

We haven't purchased an of the flowering plants here at our vacation home.  All have come from relative's homes.  I have flowers from my aunt's homes, uncles, grandmother's and greatgrandmother's.  We have enjoyed springtime here in the country.  DH has been fishing and hunting for turkey.  Quite a change from our Arizona home and lifestyle.  We are blessed to be able to experience both country and city life in our retirement. 


  1. Beautiful flowers! And to know where they came from is even better. Family history through flowers!

  2. Irises are one of my favorites. I remember them from my mom having them. When we moved I took some of my irises with us. They were my husband's grandmothers flowers. I love watching their beautiful colors!

  3. Hi Pam...I look forward to the Irises blooming every spring, and although I don't have any in my beds this year, I have had some that were moved from my grandmothers beds. They were purple and so beautiful. I regret not getting any of the bulbs when we moved from that home. I'm always so pleased when I see that we have similar loves, like the your photograph of the Yellow Iris. Stop by CollectInTexas Gal and see my photo of a Yellow Iris taken last weekend in Brownwood,'s in the Lone Star Gallery. See ya there...Sue
