Monday, May 17, 2010

Go Fly a Kite

In the Yahoo group Fabric in Altered Arts 2 we continue to do Alphabet Quilties.  The letter for May is "K".  This is my "K" quiltie.  I continue to work with items from my stash but I did buy the little hand button.  I found the button at a WalMart in Missouri.  It was perfect for the quiltie.  

It's good to be back in my studio after a 6 week vacation to our home in Kentucky.  Arizona is warmer but still below 100.  Weather today is lovely.  Nothing like seeing the granddaughters after 6 weeks.  We had a great dinner with the family at one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants last evening. 

1 comment:

  1. I bet it feels good to be home! six weeks is a long time....I love the kite quilt!
