Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Mammy" Family in Fabric

Now that I am home and in my studio, it is time to return to creating my Family in Fabric book.  This is a photo of my great-grandmother Ella Stearman.  I never met her but my Mother called her "Mammy".  The background fabric is a feedsack.  When you look closely at Mammy's dress you can see that it could have been made from a feed sack.  The dress is so simple.  Mammy probably didn't have a pattern.  She could have used these instructions from "Easy Ways to Pretty Frocks" by Clark's O.N.T. Threads dated 1929. 
The quilt square in the background was hand stitched by Manny in the 1930's or 40's.   


  1. Pam I just love this fabric page and how lovely to have the quilt square she stitched. The desk is also such a great find! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. These are so good! I went to the antique mall today and came back with a jar full of buttons, lace and such. It made me wonder about the women that owned them and wished I could have gone on their little shopping trip when they purchased their little goodies.

    You also have your work cut out for you with refinishing! That's a job and a half! There is a stripper that is green and safe. I think Lowe's carries it but seems to work pretty well. I don't know the name of it though.

  3. I adore everything about this Pam....from the picture to the background fabric...it is really wonderful....I bet it is fun to be able to work on after having a break!
