Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pink Kitchen on Pink Saturday

Today while surfing the web, I came across these wonderful pink kitchens.  They are available at WalMart and many other retailers.  I immediately thought "Pink Saturday". 

They didn't had anything like this when I was a child.  My sister and I had a toy metal range and it was basic white.  But my mother's range was basic white so we were pleased to have a little range just like hers.  Can you imagine playing in this lovely pink kitchen!  Oh, the hours I could have spent preparing food in this Pink Kitchen.  Oh well, I did make wonderful mud pies in my basic white one but I'm sure baking in a pink oven would make the pies even better.  

If you like my pink kitchens, you should check out the pink shoes on Anne's blog.

Thanks to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for organizing these Pink Saturday posts. 

 Happy Pink Saturday to all.


  1. I think I had an Easy Bake oven when I was 10 but don't remember much about it. Love your charm pack pillow. It's so pretty and colorful. Great plates for your summer home. Best wishes for your weekend. Tammy

  2. What a cute pink kitchen. A little girls dream kitchen :)
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Happy Pink Saturday,
    My daughter loved playing in her toy kitchen and at the toy kitchen in her grandmothers kindergarten class. She would have loved this one. I LOVE IT
    Hugs and Blessings
    Simply Debbie

  4. Gosh who wouldn't want a pink kitchen! I don't recall any pink kitchens when my children were small but then again I had a boy too and since they're triplets I couldn't have purchased one anyway!

    Happy PS,

  5. I had a friend who had a pink fridge when we were younger! Loved it! I also liked the old turquoise appliances. My daughter was with her boyfriend at the gram's house and she told me gram has a turquoise toilet! Love it!

    Pam you are such a gem! I appreciate you mentioning me here. Have a super Pink Saturday! Hugs Anne

  6. I have a friend who has a lifesize vintage inspired pink fridge - too cute!

    Happy PS!

  7. Oh man, I want the real version......It is so adorable and pink!!!!! It makes me want to bake cupcakes with sprinkles and cake and cherry pies.....

  8. Wow pretty! Love this!
    Happy Pink Saturday Pam.
    And have lovely weekend.

  9. Yes, I would love to make mudpies in this Pink Kitchen. How cute is that. I think that the Retro crowd has the real thing going on in their kitchens these days. Cute post, Pam! Happy Pink Saturday!

  10. I would have loved a kitchen like that when I was a little girl. I spent many, many hours playing "house." Love your pinks!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  11. What a cute pink kitchen! I don't remember having anything like that when I was little. Dishes yes. I made some excellent mudpies.
    Thanks for stopping by seducedbyyarn. CollectIn Texas Gal and I are always talking about our roses. I tried to tell her she needed a smaller chainsaw, lol.

  12. If I had a chance to make my own kitchen, I would totally do it in all pinks! I love this, even if it is for kids!

    Happy PS!

    Do These shoes match this purse?

  13. Oh i love these!!! They are super fun! I too wish I could have a life size one like this!
    Hope you had a great weekend!
    Hugs, Lisa
