Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fun and Funky Rooster Pin Cushion

The fun and funky roosert pin cushion is complete.  I searched on-line and found two patterns for the rooster pin cushion.  I used parts of each to complete this little pin cushion for my partner in the Embroidery Floss Travel Sewing Kit swap.  She likes black and all brights.  I think these fabrics are bright and include black.  I received the fabrics in a trade on Fiber Art Traders (FAT).  Now I'm off the make a needle case out of the same fabric. 


  1. Oh this is Rooster Pin Cushion is too cute!!
    I love the fabric choice too.
    Will you be posting the needle case when you are done? I would love to see what you did with that as well.

    Enjoy Your Day!!


  2. What a darling little rooster. Had not seen this kind of pin cushion before.

    Have a great day!
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  3. Oh Pam,

    This Pincushion is so cute! I love it.

  4. LOVE IT! and I am a fun and funky gal.....
