Saturday, July 3, 2010

July quiltie M is for Monkey

This is my July quiltie for Fabric in Altered Arts 2.  We are doing quilties for each letter of the alphabet and July is "M".  I purchased a fat quarter of each of these fabrics at a little quilt store in Danville, Ky last fall.  A few weeks ago I made a small tote from the fabric and decided the leftovers were perfect for a Monkey quiltie.  I added the selvage with the fabric name "Monkey'n Round".  I embellished the quiltie with a card from a box of child's alphabet cards.  Luckily the M was for monkey.  Quiltie will go in the mail next week.


  1. it is really cute....i love sock monkey fabric...
    Happy fourth of July!!!!

  2. Oh my that is darling! Happy 4th of July...

  3. Oh Pam your quiltie turned out really cute. Love that monkey fabric...Perfect!
    I still have to do mine but I have my Letter L quiltie on my blog now. Go check it out. Hugs
