Sunday, July 25, 2010

South American Mystery Quiltie

I've been on a blog vacation.  We were traveling and also did some redecorating in our living/dining room.  Room looks great thanks to DH's paint job.  I'll post pics later.  Trip was to Utah for a family member's wedding.  Lovely backyard reception.

I completed this little quiltie today.  It is for a trade on Fiber Art Traders (FAT).  The theme is South American Mystery Quilts inspired by photos from a recent trip by our hostess.  Fabric was part of a give-a-way on Wanda's blog that I won some time ago.   The fabric was perfect for this quiltie.   The photo transfer is one of my personal photos.  I photographed the flower in my front yard at our vacation home in Ky. 

I'm hoping to get back into my studio next week.  I've missed my sewing machines the past few weeks. 

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