Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Borders are on Simply Crazy Quilt

I added the border to the Simply Crazy Quilt this afternoon after the movie.  My DH and I are both retired educators.  He a coach and teacher.  I was a teacher and administrator.  We thought we would celebrate the first day of school by having a great lunch and then a movie.   Youngest granddaughter (R -2) completed her first day of kinder and said she had a great day.  According to her, everyone in her class is "nice".  

The photo doesn't show the true colors of the quilt but you get the idea.  I'm hoping to add the backing to the quilt tomorrow and begin quilting.  I'm thinking I'll follow the wavy lines in the border and use wavy stitches for the quilting. 

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! School starts late for us this year because of Ramadan being so early. I have two weeks before I go back and the kids start after the Eid which will be Septembe 14th. I work for the Superintendent at the American School they attend -- sure is nice to have summers off. Best wishes for your day. :) Tammy
