Sunday, August 1, 2010

More Redecorating

I finally finished framing and hanging my Face on Fabric piece.  It hangs above the "large screen tv" in our newly painted living/dining room.  I have tried to camouflage the tv between two bookcases.  Of course we must have our receiver and our Wii.  So I added my Josephina doll and a vintage cranberry glass lamp.  All the pieces on the bookcase shelves have a special significance.  Later I plan to post each bookcase in detail.  The room is coming together nicely.  I'm quite pleased with my paint color selection.  It's Wave Crest by Behr.

The Faces on Fabric piece was completed during an on-line class from Terri Stegmiller, Josephina was a Christmas gift from my DH many years ago, and the cranberry glass lamp is a thrift store find.  I think they make a nice vignette above that large black box.


  1. Absolutely lovely, Pam! Bright, cheery & love the paint.

    Have a beautiful summer's eve ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. Love it! I can't wait to see the whole thing! Decorating is just so much fun isn't it?

