Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Simply Crazy Quilt

Look what's on my design wall!!!!!!!!!!

If you read my blog, you know that I'm in the process of decluttering and organizing my studio.  As a part of the organizing, I decided to go through my fabric leftovers from years past.  It was time to "use them or lose them".  I looked through my quilt patterns and found this Simply Crazy quilt pattern by Karla Alexander.  It was the perfect way to "use them".  The pattern requires 11" squares of fabric.  I was able to find enough pieces of fabric to make a small quilt.  I'm thinking it will become a baby quilt with a cute children's print as the border.  Is is so bright and colorful and does include some juvenile prints fabrics. 

Tomorrow I will sew the squares together and add a bright border.  I am making some progress with my studio.  I'm still organizing and sorting things but it's looking good.


  1. It really will make the neatest baby quilt!

  2. It really will make the neatest baby quilt!

  3. It really will make the neatest baby quilt!

  4. All of your fabric creations are fabulous. Love those fabric postcards. What a sweet way to say thank you. Looks like you enjoyed a fun swap too. Good luck getting your studio organized. I sooooo need to get organized and isn't any easier since I am also unpacking from our 6 weeks in the States. Best wishes, Tammy
