Saturday, August 7, 2010

"Wish You Were Here" Fabric Postcard

Diana on Fiber Art Traders  (FAT) is hosting a fabric postcard trade with the theme "Wish You Were Here".  It could be a place we have visited or one we would like to visit.  And then yesterday I received a lovely South American Mystery Quilt from Constance and inside were these two pieces of fabric and the PelTex to make a postcard.  So I made this little New York fabric postcard.  My DH and I would like to visit NYC and go see the Mets and Yankees play baseball.  Many thanks to Constance for the lovely fabric.  I did the machine stitching on my Janome 11000. 

I'll post a picture of the South American Mystery Quilt later. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the taxi cab fabric! Very clever and certainly says N.Y. N.Y.!!!!
