Monday, September 6, 2010

Finished my Halloween Altered Book

I finished my Halloween Altered Book yesterday.  I'm so pleased with the little book.  I used the theme of witches throughout the book.  On each page I put a vintage witch image and a photo of one of my GDs.  I used copies of vintage Halloween cards and vintage images from Dover.  I'll share a few pages later today but for now I'll show you the front of the book.  Another fun project using my stash!


  1. Hi Pam. I've been away most of the summer. It is my busy time at work and it seems the farm kept us busy every spare moment we had this summer. We finally got away for a little vacation last week. I'm back and hope your DH is doing better. I love your little Halloween Book and your holiday winnings. Blessings to you!

  2. I love this little book. It is so sweet. I am so anxious to get busy with some Halloween ideas of my own. Have a wonderful Labor day! Anne

  3. Hi sure have been busy with such fun projects. I should be using my stash in the same way. Love the book and can't wait to see some of the pages. Good to be back in Blogland after over a month off. I missed you, and know you have been a busy bee...I'll be back to catch up. Sue

  4. Oh so lovely Pam! I love the vintage halloween stuff!

  5. I just really need a Pam fix right about now! I think I should come hang out with you for a few months and maybe some of your awesomeness would rub off on me! I love watching you create. Hope all is well, and maybe we can do lunch when you're in Kentucky next time! Hugs, Karen
