Friday, September 17, 2010



A few days ago, I looked outside and saw this beautiful pink sunset.  I took my camera outside and snapped a few pics.  The pinks were so lovely against the bright blue sky.  I especially like the outline of the palm trees against the sky. 

It is good to be back in "blogland".  My computer fell victim to a sinister virus two weeks ago.  According to the tech, this first thing this virus does is disable your virus protection software.  It then proceeds to infect your computer's files.  I was lucky that I turned off the computer as soon as I realized I had a virus. 

Happy Pink Saturday to all.  Check our Beverly's How Sweet the Sound for a list of participants. 

I did take pictures of my projects while the computer was out of commission.  I hope to post some of the projects this weekend or next week.


  1. beautiful snapshots of the sunset, thanks for stopping by , my PK Sat post is sheduled to post after midnight

  2. Lovely indeed! Our home computer stopped working and I have yet to try and figure out what is wrong. We were gone the whole summer and the first time I turned it on after returning, it failed. Very aggravating. Good thing we have laptops. Hope you are having a great weekend. :) Tammy

  3. OMGosh were so smart to shut down your computer before the virus crashed everything. Now, that is a beautiful sunset and the palm tree one is stunning. And I thought Texas had the most beautiful sunsets ever....your's is right up there with us! Can't wait to see your new projects.

  4. Beautiful sunsets. I just love sunsets. Happy PS! Glad to hear the computer is recovered!

  5. Pam what gorgeous Pictures. What an incredible sky. Happy Pink Saturday. Grace

  6. What a beautiful sunset you captured through your lense!! Just lovely!!

    Love you little Halloween creation in your previous post too!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!!

    bee blessed

  7. Stunning sunset! Oh it would be so difficult to be without a computer for two weeks, hope everything is working well now. Take care.

  8. Happy PINK Saturday! WOW, those shots of the sky are amazing. The colors are so striking. Thanks for sharing and have a great week, Nan
