Friday, November 26, 2010

Another Blue Christmas Creation

I finished this blue wreath today.  I bought the silver wreath at WalMart and added blue Christmas ornaments from the thrift store.  Ribbon for bow is from Micahel's.  My holiday decor is progressing.  Today I am removing Thanksgiving and boxing up for next year. 
I was hoping to get the tree out of the box today but don't think it will happen.  I'm off the see Tangled in 3-D with granddaughters and then it's Lighting of the Christmas lights at church this evening.  The holidays are off to a great start.

1 comment:

  1. sounds about like what is happening here! we went to see tangled last night! my 6 yr old star leans over and says "mom, this is the best movie ever" as she was sitting in all her blond braids of wonderful ness! sweet girls! happy day! blessings...s...
